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Theatre in Palm Forums Find Opportunities Open Call for 2024 TIP residencies – open now!!

  • Open Call for 2024 TIP residencies – open now!!

    Posted by Anne Nenonen (Turku AMK) on January 12, 2024 at 13:04

    TIP coordinating team is happy and excited to invite all emerging theatre artists to apply for the 12 residencies happening during 2024 in 12 different TIP countries. 🇪🇺

    Check more on the webpage and apply! ⬇

    Note also that the best place to ask and share about the Open Call just might be here on this web platform. You can start discussions on topics, tag other members, or comment on this one. Ask and share, wonder and encourage. Go on and have try! 🤩

    Ping my colleagues @sanninen @Kaisadair

    Anne Nenonen (Turku AMK) replied 7 months, 4 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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