S . O . P. SOME OTHER PLACE Performance by the artist Sara Sguotti

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona, Spain

S . O . P. SOME OTHER PLACE Performance by the artist Sara Sguotti DATE: 29/02/2024 H: 20.30 LOCATION: Espronceda, Institute of Art & Culture…


Theatre Movement – Open Stage at Balettakademien

Balettakademiens Scen Studio Fyra Birger Jarlsgatan 70, Stockholm, Sweden

As a part  of the project Theatre In Palm and in collaboration with Balettakademien (BA), Intercult organizes an evening with open stage for emerging artists in Stockholm, Sweden!…


European Theatre Lab – Tell the truth

Sala prove Via Adua 97/h, Reggio Emilia Via Adua 97/h, Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy

What techniques should you adopt to build a credible performance? How to approach the text? Ultimately, how do we instill truth in those narrative functions…


Theatre Movement – Attention Works in Progress

Melina Merkouri Theatre 7, Metamorfoseos street, Thessaloniki, Greece

How long can you wait for a project to be completed? When did the construction of the Thessaloniki Metro acquire a mythological, anecdotal and symbolic…

Theatre Movement – Nattiné with Daisies Varieté at Konträr

Konträr Östgötagatan 33, Stockholm, Sweden

Intercult presents in collaboration with Konträr, their third Theatre Movement of the spring 2024: Nattiné with Daisies Varieté during Kulturnatt Stockholm on the 20th of April.…
