Latest Past Events

Local event: RADIORATOR by Agustina Palazzo

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture is happy to present the performance Radiorator by artist Agustina Palazzo, in the framework of the European Creative Europe…

European Theatre Movement: NOUSUT Festival 1.-3.9.2023

Tehdas Teatteri Itäinen Rantakatu 64 b, Turku

NOUSUT Festival is a celebration and a platform for new theatre makers to take off, create interesting performances supported by well merited theatre professionals. The…

NO EXIT. It takes 3 to play!

Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência R. da Escola Politécnica 56, Lisboa

WELCOME TO “THE PLACE”, OLD AS IMAGINATION, UNCHANGING, INVIOLATE AND SPARTAN… Now meet the players assembled for the great game of chance and choice –…