Local event: RADIORATOR by Agustina Palazzo

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona, Spain

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture is happy to present the performance Radiorator by artist Agustina Palazzo, in the framework of the European Creative Europe…

Theatre in Palm Hybrid Residency

120 emerging theatre artists from 12 European countries work together in a Hybrid Residency in November Theatre in Palm, an international project funded by Creative…

European Theatre Lab – Performing yourself

Timisoara , Romania

Performing yourself In this workshop, Robert proposes an exploration of stories and personal events, feelings and emotions in order to find together with the participants…

LAGO – A solo by Martina Kosta Diankova

Naruteatteri, Turku UAS Arts Academy Linnankatu 54-60, Turku, Finland

Inspired by the Greek tongue-twister game “Do you have a rabbit?” and the musicality it generates, a dancer will pose an existential career question: «-…

Hybrid Residency Live Online Performances

Join in to see and enjoy the performances created by the Hybrid Residency artists during their 2-week residency. 10 artist from 12 countries, that is…

Theatre Lab – Night Shift

Hearth / Casa Kerim Parfumului street no. 19, Bucharest, Romania

by Mihai Ivașcu Irina (Alexandra Mihaela Dancs) and Mircea (Vlad Benescu) meet and fall in love when neither has anything left to lose. Our characters…

LuzLíquida, Another way of perceiving relationships

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona, Spain

  ESPRONCEDA - Institute of Art & Culture, the INSTITUT DE CIÈNCIES DEL MAR EMBIMOS Research Group (ICM-CSIC) of Barcelona and the INERVO COMPANY are…


Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona, Spain

EMOTION BLENDER Friday 10 May 2024 From 18.30 until 22.00 Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture is honored to host this one-night workshop event (European…