Greece introducing residency artists

Embark on a unique journey with “Ripples of Change,” a two-week theatrical artist residency in Thessaloniki, Greece. Set against the backdrop of this historic port city, the residency invites artists to explore the fluidity and impact of water, both literally and metaphorically, within the context of ecofeminism. This program seeks five versatile artists who are ready to embrace dual or interchangeable roles, creating a dynamic and collaborative environment.

Participants will delve into the multifaceted theme of water, examining its significance in environmental and feminist narratives. The residency encourages a creative exploration of water as a vital resource, a symbol of life, and a metaphor for change, all within the framework of current events at the time of the residency , weaved with the timeless tradition of ancient Greek theatre.

The Venue of the Residency this time will be Craftopia HUB.

Meet the Artists

Vera Katsimparou

Vera is an actress. She studied at the Higher School of Dramatic Art Theater of Karolos Koun in Athens. She participated as an actress in theater plays and short films.

Her last professional work was in the theater play ‘ Strays’ by the Hippo Theatre Group, in Stathmos Theater( Athens) and she toured with this play all around Greece for 1 year. Moreover she has attended many seminars for theater and cinema in Greece, Italy and Spain. In addition she likes to sing (contemporary, traditional and polyphonic songs), dance and play the ukelele.

Furthermore she works as an actress and coordinator for themed children parties, dramatized fairy tales and theatrical games workshops. 

Vera’s Quote:
“Don’t grow up too fast, too soon. Save some time for dreaming.” Pooh’s Heffalump Movie(2005)

Sylvia Milton

Sylvia born in Rome in 1991. Her passion for theatre started during her childhood, when she directed her friends and family members in domestic shows.

After some years spent attending amatorial courses and dance classes, she decided that acting would become a profession and she was selected to attend Scuola del Piccolo Teatro in Milan, where she graduated in 2014.

Her interests in performative arts led her to expand her area of activity not only to acting but also to directing, to Physical Theatre and Social Theatre – as a teacher both in schools and prisons. In 2023, she got a Bacheor Degree in Performative Arts at Sapienza Università di Roma with a thesis on Theatre in Prison.

Sylvia’s Quote:
“I am conscious that I could be less mad and happier by living with no consciousness, but I am happy to live consciously even when it makes me mad.”

Sara Lisanti

Sara is a body performer (awarded Azores Fringe Award 2023 and Gothenburg Fringe Award 2023) and she uses her body in the most prevalent and polyvalent silent way.

She is a trapeze artist, so she tries to include a trapeze act in her performances. She is also a visual artist who creates material-conceptual artworks.

In her work, the body is the pivot of the stage, master and servant of the truth it urges to yell. Her body is the Charon of my soul. Body and soul kneel before each other.

Heidi Nickel

Heidi Nickel is an actor, dancer, writer and theatre artist originally from Ontario, Canada.

Her start in performance began at six years old when she first discovered ballet. Since 2006, her love of dance has transformed into a passion for theatre and storytelling. Since graduating from Brock University in 2021, she has specialized working in physical theatre, dance, and music through pieces surrounding neurodiversity and mental health awareness.

In 2023, she premiered her first original theatre piece in Toronto Canada in partnership with Autism Ontario raising awareness of mental health and educational resources for individuals living with Autism.

Heidi’s Quote:
“You are who you choose to be.”

Linda Young

Linda, Passionate of biology and playing Guzheng since 8 years-old, Yellow Wasabi’s way of exploring the world comes not only from genetic tools but also from experimental music.

By adding the MAX/MSP program and microscope to the practice of Guzheng, Yellow Wasabi transcends the boundaries of Guzheng as a traditional instrument.

With AI gesture control, Yellow Wasabi turns untouchable music into an interactive object. Yellow Wasabi is active in French and Chinese experimental music scenes, contemporary art spaces and scientific congress

Linda’s Quote:
“Life finds a way.” From Jurassic Park.

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