The process of rotting as a metaphor for grief

Introduction to MÄDÄNNÄINEN
Theatre performance MÄDÄNNÄINEN was one of the three performances selected via an open call to the NOUSUT theatre festival. The festival took place 30.8.-1.9.2024 in Turku, Finland. It is a collaboration between Turku Art Academy and local theater Tehdas Teatteri.
Direction and development
Directed by Petra Lumme, MÄDÄNNÄINEN underwent significant revisions during the summer, thanks to collaboration with festival mentors who are professional artists from Tehdas Teatteri. The team found this process immensely beneficial. Additionally, the venue changed from a black box to a white studio space, which inspired a fresh approach to the performance’s form and content.
Performance overview
The promotional text for MÄDÄNNÄINEN states:
“Fruits are left behind when animals die out. People are left with matter and fragile memories.
Mädännäinen is a visual depiction of the grief process, utilizing elements of contemporary theater and puppet theater. It describes a process that often happens unnoticed and without warning, just like the thing that caused it. The performance pauses to explore the different stages of grief through symbolic and abstract methods. The show is a dive into grief, its repressibility, sensitivity, and power.”
Audience reception
The reception of MÄDÄNNÄINEN was positive, despite the serious subject matter. The exploration of grief as a process was considered an important topic, addressed in many engaging ways throughout the performance.
Themes of grief through metaphors
The working group poignantly dealt with a sudden death of a young person and the grief that followed. The brilliance of the show lay in its use of metaphors; the rotting of an avocado served as an emblematic representation of the stages of grief. The performance skillfully blended tragedy with comedic moments, eliciting both tears and laughter from the audience simultaneously.
Professional development and collaboration
Collaborating with Tehdas Teatteri provided the working group with a valuable opportunity to showcase their work on a professional stage. Recent graduates and students still in theatre education gained crucial experience navigating the processes of professional theatre. Theatre in Palm played a key role in making this opportunity possible.

Writer Mervi Rankila-Källström is a Drama Instructor and Senior Lecturer at the Turku UAS Arts Academy. She is also the Research Group Leader for the Art Education and Pedagogy -group and the Content Director for the Theatre in Palm project.