THOC Roadshow Testimonial: Artistic Journey to Lisbon, Portugal

Elia Zoe’s Christou Testimonial:
“I am Elia Zoe Christou, and I had the pleasure of representing the Theatre Organization of Cyprus (THOC) in Theatre in Palm’s Roadshow in Lisbon, Portugal between 24-27 October 2024. The project had different components. I was part of the GO and SEE element where, as a performer and actor, I went to Go and Seethe project partner team and theatre and report back to my home country partner THOC. Here are some of the highlights from my experience.

Prior to arriving in Lisbon, I communicated with my project contact Suresh Nampuri several times. Suresh was a dynamic and passionate partner for Theatre in Palm project. In the months prior to my visit, he provided me with valuable advice and information related to the project and shows to attend. Not only did he show me wonderful hospitality and endless information, and he even directed the two performances I watched at Lisbon’s JÁ International Theatre (JAIT). JAIT is the collaborating theatre of Theatre in Palm project. Having Suresh as my contact and information person for the project enriched my experience, enjoyment, and understanding of local and international theatre.
Attending performances was a true highlight of participating in this project. I saw two premiers: “Vortex” and “Maiden facing death.” Vortex drew inspiration from modern art, shapes, and colors as well as from politics. For example, people can experience divisions because of religious differences, the handling of tragic events such as the Covid pandemic, or political leadership. There was a clear futuristic element in the storyline and characters’ ways of being. I enjoyed the colorful set and how different each character was from each other. The creative use of color and the changes happening in the backdrop helped the show be playful and build anticipation for what was going to happen next. What stood out for me was how the arts and society are inescapably intertwined and this made me think more curiously about the arts in Cyprus and all over Europe.

A thirty-minute intermission between the shows helped me clear my mind for the second show, “Maiden facing death.” I connected more easily with this show. The play dealt with challenging themes including trauma, the abuse of political power, and aging. Simple staging and lighting were generally good but at times I could not see the actors. The staging included a candle-lit piano and I really enjoyed the atmosphere this created. The performers were convincing and executed their roles well. The main topics I took from the show was that politics and trauma can cause issues like mental health in people. Although this may not be a new topic, using theatre to explore the topic, especially with the elderly, was very compelling.
Both performances had less than full audiences. I am not sure exactly why this was, however, having two rather long plays back-to-back may have contributed to people simply being too tired to attend both.

What I personally took from this trip, meeting people of different artistic backgrounds and from different countries, is that the biggest influence in your own art is you. This includes your own individual experiences and what you let affect your art. I would absolutely do this type of project again. I love collaborating and meeting other people passionate about the arts. I love being challenged and stretched. This project included necessary things like organizing travel and dealing with uncertainties, as well as electrifying moments of insight into performance, society, and our humanity. I believe all artists take risks, and for me, as a young artist, this program gave me the opportunity to take a risk that paid off more than I could have known. Had I not believed in myself as an artist, I would never have taken the risk to apply to this program. I would not have visited Portugal or met others with similar artist thoughts. I would not have been able to represent my country, Cyprus, and THOC. So, for anyone who has dreams to perform, be in the arts, live an adventurous life. I encourage you to apply for programs like this. Believe in yourself. Take the risk. You never know what opportunities will come your way when you do. Life is about making memories and this trip to Lisbon is one I will remember forever.“