THOC Roadshow Testimonials: Artistic Journey to Stockholm, Sweden

 Christos Tsiailis’ Experience in Stockholm, Sweden

I was in Stockholm, Sweden, 26–30 August 2024. I walked around the city and visited the Skansen Zoo with the Viking Park inside. I walked around the city with the many islands connected with bridges and found this combination of urban and classic architecture emerging from lakes and hills stunning. Intercult Theatre Academy was the organisation that hosted the events in Stockholm. Names of the people that welcomed us and accommodated us were: Karin Johannson, Iwona Preis, Elisa Papageorgiou

I attended a number of performances at the two theatres: Giljotin Theatre, Konträr Theatre, Theatre Tre, including “Emerge” by the Cyprus Theatre Organisation and other residency performances, some of which were planned during the seminars.

What stood out for me:

I learned a lot about sustainable theatre at the seminar on “Green Book,” including effective ways that theatres can recycle material, presenting fresh ideas that do not seem “second-hand,” and also the idea of sustainable theatre premises.

I enjoyed the “Making your own solo performance” workshop, led by Karolina Spaic, created my own solo play (short), and performed it.

I enjoyed the mingling of all participants for the Fringe Festival with the drag queen show, which was eye-opening and warm.

Also, the gathering at the Town Hall where all Theatre in Palm participants were welcomed by the general secretary of the Stockholm municipality.

I would recommend this project to all emerging theatre artists, as all the seminars can give new perspectives, teach new techniques, and provide fruitful practice. Also, I would recommend it because it gives the chance to theatre professionals to meet colleagues from around Europe and create connections that could turn into international cooperations in the future.