European Theatre Lab: Gallery of the Forgotten vol 2

Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arts Academy Linnankatu 54, Turku, Finland

Welcome to the Gallery of the Forgotten vol. 2 – from ideation towards the implementation of a performance Do you have a presentation idea with…

European Theatre Lab: Introduction to the Dutch cultural field

ZID Theater-City Art & Performance Center De Roos van Dekamaweg 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Are you living in the Netherlands and find yourself being curious about the vibrant cultural sector?  Wondering how it operates, how it’s structured, and what…

Theatre Festival: Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival

Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality Coleraine House, Coleraine St, Smithfield, Dublin, Ireland

In Solidarity: An International Celebration of Arts and Human Rights Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality and Front Line Defenders, and a range…

European Theater Lab – Fundraising fundamentals

ZID Theater-City Art & Performance Center De Roos van Dekamaweg 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you have an idea and you are not sure how to structurally design your project? Do you need financial support but you are not…

Local event: RADIORATOR by Agustina Palazzo

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture C. de Espronceda, 326, Nave 4 y 5, Barcelona, Spain

Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture is happy to present the performance Radiorator by artist Agustina Palazzo, in the framework of the European Creative Europe…

Theatre in Palm Hybrid Residency

120 emerging theatre artists from 12 European countries work together in a Hybrid Residency in November Theatre in Palm, an international project funded by Creative…

Local Theatre Movement – SKIES

Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki , Greece

In a dark room, an internal, psychological and heartbreaking dialogue begins between Martha and her dead mother, Olga. The daughter is haunted, haunted by the…

European Theatre Lab – “Zero” Budget Story

Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki , Greece

Zero" Budget Story will be a thorough analysis and description of the preparation and creation of a theatrical performance. As we know, to put on…


European Theatre Lab – Performing yourself

Timisoara , Romania

Performing yourself In this workshop, Robert proposes an exploration of stories and personal events, feelings and emotions in order to find together with the participants…

LAGO – A solo by Martina Kosta Diankova

Naruteatteri, Turku UAS Arts Academy Linnankatu 54-60, Turku, Finland

Inspired by the Greek tongue-twister game “Do you have a rabbit?” and the musicality it generates, a dancer will pose an existential career question: «-…