Theatre Movement: NOUSUT 2024 performances

NOUSUT Festival in Turku, Finland, is a celebration and a platform for new theatre makers to take off, create interesting performances supported by well merited theatre professionals. Festival is organized in collaboration by Turku Arts Academy and Turku based theatre Tehdas Teatteri.

In 2024 the festival gave stage to 3 different, new and intriguing original pieces, all created by this year´s Turku Arts Academy graduates. Most of the performances were sold-out and the comments from the audience were very positive. NOUSET managed again to offer unique experiences in different forms of theatre and performing arts.

You can enjoy the performances now also online!

Click the name of the performance to see a recording of the performance:

AUTIO MAA (Empty Earth) by Meri Salo
Scorching hot dystopia about climate change combining puppet and mask theater with ancient Greek inspired chorus.

Mädännäinen by Petra Lumme
This performance deals with the individual grief process. A process that often happens just like the thing that caused it, unnoticed and without warning.

PORTTI (THE GATE) by Tuomas Vainionpää 
Story about a guard who realizes they have become part of a fascist dictatorship and its machinery of violence. The performance explores the development of an unnamed genocide in ten stages through object theatre.

NOUSUT is a unique festival born out of the need and desire to connect emerging theatre artists with the already established theatre makers. It plays an important part in the Turku Arts Academy´s curriculum for theatre art studies offering the first year students a place to immerse themselves to the local theatre scene and at the same time, giving the graduating students a chance to shine and find audiences to their work.

Kuvat: Jussi Virkkumaa

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